UFO stuff & "The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch"


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2008
Anyone ever seen a skinwalker? Lots of stories if you go out west.
I haven't, but a lot of my native friends here have told me some crazy stories.

I think there is a UFO under Skinwalker ranch that has probably been there for centuries. A good friend of mine grew up around there and she told me that she has seen portals open up in the sky and a bright ball of light come out or go in to it. A lot of strange activity out yonder.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2016
Oak island has more viewers than The View. All shows stay on because they generate an audience and subsequently revenue despite the validity of content. Entertainment industry has few scruples but does have bias as Disney has demonstrated.
I suppose this gets deleted. Bias by mods on this site as well.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
Now back to reality...of the new Season 3, Episode 1 (S3, E1) of The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (TSSR) funhouse.

In the opening scenes, former Utah Governor Gary Herbert appears and vows support for the Skinwalker investigation. Woop.

As Herbert is given an introduction on TSSR, a jet was detected flying a precise grid pattern 45-thousand feet above The Ranch. This plane was identified as a Government (National Science Foundation) craft and apparently collecting data.

Revisiting last season's finale where a helicopter was flown over the Ranch and the altitude/collision sensor indicated an unseen solid object under the chopper. Slow-motion film playback of the copter as it flew in the season 2 finale showed a small object making several high-speed passes under the helicopter.

Tonight the team was once again flying the helicopter and dropping multiple GPS packages and recording their path. And it all goes haywire as GPS paths were somehow tracked bouncing around and going upwind. The traced paths did not match the observed track. And, the helicopter's GPS showed its flight taking it under the ground.

That's all folks next is S3,E2.

Major Cast

Brandon Fugal

Brandon Fugal is the owner of Skinwalker Ranch. As the Chairman of Colliers International in Utah, Brandon is one of the most prominent businessmen and real estate developers in the Intermountain West. From an early age, he has also been fascinated with the mysteries of our universe and the question of whether or not we are alone. In 2016, Brandon purchased Skinwalker Ranch from aerospace tycoon Robert Bigelow in order to investigate and study the strange and unexplainable phenomena that has been reported there for more than two centuries.

Travis Taylor

Dr. Travis Taylor is an engineer and best-selling author who holds PhDs in Optical Science and Engineering, Aerospace Systems Engineering, and master’s degrees in Physics and Astronomy. For the past twenty-five years, Taylor has worked on various hi-tech programs for the Department of Defense and NASA. He is the newest member of this diverse and highly skilled team and brings a vast wealth of knowledge that will help them apply hard science in an effort to solve this incredible mystery.

Bryant Arnold

Commonly known by his codename “Dragon,” Bryant Arnold is the Chief Security Officer on Skinwalker Ranch. As a trusted friend and advisor to Brandon Fugal for over 25 years, Bryant is a vital part of day-to-day operations on the ranch. He prevents any and all who may unwisely attempt to trespass on the grounds and assists the investigations to ensure safety at all times. Bryant is a licensed, armed private security officer in the state of Utah, and is recognized as an expert marksman and security specialist.

Thomas Winterton

Thomas Winterton is the Superintendent of Skinwalker Ranch, overseeing the maintenance of the property, its facilities and equipment, as well as overseeing ranching activities and assisting in investigations. A native of the Uintah Basin, Thomas is the founder and operator of multiple businesses. His unique background and experience give him an in-depth insight into the UFO phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch and the surrounding area—especially his own incredible experiences that have taken place there.

Erik Bard

As the Principal Investigator and Chief Scientist on Skinwalker Ranch, Erik Bard has not only installed a cutting-edge surveillance system that constantly monitors the entire property, but also heads all investigations. Having worked alongside Brandon on various scientific endeavors for the last decade, Bard brings a vast wealth of knowledge and his intense curiosity to the study of the strange phenomena reported on Skinwalker Ranch.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
S3, E2 More Rockets, UAPs

To reiterate, I operate under the premise that The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (TSSR) findings are not fabricated or purposeful misrepresentations. What is going on here is a mystery for now and may be fully explained at some point.

Two new characters, who had been crew members of the Nimitz witnessing the "tic tac" encounter, are on SSR to add their knowledge of UAP detection. The two are part of a company called UAPX devoted to the study UAPs. Jason of UAPX was hit with a deep, painful headache as the team makes plans. At the same time, a spike in megahertz radiation was picked-up on several instruments.

A side research project by the ranch caretakers, Kandus Linde and Tom Lewis brought to light a possible connecting story. It involved a meeting with the sheriff who investigated a drone harassing a neighboring ranch one night. On a return call to that neighbor, the Sheriff witnessed an extremely bright silent light which he chased for over ten miles.

UAPX had a Land Rover jammed with sophisticated equipment. Each moment rockets were launched (eight total) their "sophisticated " set-up went out. Coincidence? The rockets were used to see if their paths deviated at all as they penetrated that 5,000-foot altitude over SSR. And in daylight, a UAP appears for all to see and slowly drifts behind the clouds then disappeared.

Kandus Linde and Tom Lewis interviewed a local native who had a close encounter with a small-plane-sized, silent, hovering object with green, red, and blue lights. The observer mentioned his Native American heritage and the elders warned him to avoid the area and any mention of the place and its happenings.

A pretty eventful show, there does appear to be some malevolent forces targeting individuals and equipment for effect.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
By the way, The Report on UFOs is pretty unbiased and in the final chapter of the book, Ruppelt stated he was unconvinced about the reality of aliens behind them. He never saw anything to convince him otherwise in the many incidences he traveled widely to investigate or by personal observation.

Really worth a listen.

Want a free audio book about Project Blue Book?

Here is the authoritative, highly recommended, historical foundation of UFO investigations. A full eight hour Part 1 reading on YouTube:

The Report on UFO [Audiobook part 1] by Edward J. Ruppelt​

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) and Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) are different names for the same thing. The Air force's original work to investigate UFOs reports (many by their own pilots) was first called Project Sign (1947-'48), then Project Grudge (1948-'51), and later Project Blue Book (1951-'69).

If you liked the show "Project Blue Book" it is a serialized TV drama based on Project Blue Book files. Edward J. Ruppelt was a major investigator for Blue Book and he wrote a fact-based distillation of the best reports.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
A House subcommittee is scheduled to hold next week the first open congressional hearing on unidentified aerial vehicles in more than half a century, with testimony from two top defense intelligence officials.

The hearing comes after the release last June of a report requested by Congress on “unidentified aerial phenomena.” The nine-page “Preliminary Assessment” from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence focused on 144 incidents dating back to 2004 and was able to explain only one.



Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
S3, E3

This episode featured more breakdowns, interference with equipment, missing data, and disruptions. However, cameras and production audio are unaffected. Is that believable? I know the show has to capture the interest of the viewer to continue luring an audience. But failures of equipment and static to fill out 60 minutes to prove something shrivels credulity.

A single-engine private plane was hired to fly tech specialist Erik Bard around recording some specific data at that problematic 5,000-foot level over the ranch. You can guess what happens if you can call failure a happening. A reverb of the mics occurs, the plane locator beacon disappears, and that vexing 160 megahertz static overloads vital information capture.

Ranch caretakers, Kandus Lindeand Tom Lewis, were out doing their new thing of offering curiosities from off-ranch which may have significance to what is going on the ranch. As in last season, an expert on native-American culture and history was brought in to identify and interpret pre-historic stone carvings. Findings: spiral carving equals portals and a rocky mound had ceremonial indications on the mesa top of the ranch.

Next week astronomers are brought in to see if there are disruptions of starlight as it tracks through the 5,000-foot fixation above the ranch. And if previews are any indications there are some crazy encounters with UAPs. We'll see.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
When has a congressional committee accomplished anything beyond sound bites and camera time for the members.
A lot of wasted resources for sure. However, there have been several, not many, impactful hearings: Watergate Hearings and the Teapot Dome Sandal Hearings for instance.

Dark money since Citizens United allows the purchase of politicians who are then pimps for special interest/big money and rather ineffectual at anything other than their cause.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
S3, E4

Professional astronomers (3) were brought in each with their modern, computerized star chartering programs/telescopes. As each telescope was trained over the triangle area the star to be observed disappeared from the database. The astronomers have never seen anything like this nor had they seen anything like the close approach of a UAP.

In sixty minutes cows go crazy, a UAP (actually this was a UFO), and multiple malfunctions of otherwise working telescopes. This episode is too wild to interpret and adequately describe in an encapsulation recap.

At one point a military-grade green laser beam was truncated, bent, and split as its light hit that sweet spot over the triangle. After the effort, several team members experience disturbing dreams and "a big bang" in the night.

I suggest watching or rewatching. Too unreal.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
S3, E5

Former investigator, Army Colonel John Alexander, for Robert Bigelow (billionaire former owner of Skinwalker) returned to the ranch to repeat a digging experiment which seemed years ago to initiate odd happenings. Using a bulldozer to scrape an ever-deepening path into the land came to an abrupt end after only minutes, as its battery went dead and radiation spiked. The best item of the show has the nighttime video captured by a remote camera of a volleyball-sized orb moving erratically for less than a minute in a woodlot.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
Iowa has not been a hotbed of UFO phenomena, but there are some reports and there seem like well-represented human connections to the phenomenon.

On March 26, 1897, in Sioux City, Robert Hibbard was caught by a device attached to a line from an unknown airship and was dragged until his clothing tore. (Similar airships were seen in the surrounding area over the next few days.) Passport to Magonia

April 15, 1897, Linn Grove, A large object was seen flying just north of town and appeared to land. Five men searched and located the craft 5 miles north of Linn Grove. As they approached two figures boarded the object as it spread wing-like appendages and flew off. Most town residents became aware of the craft and saw it in a fight. Passport to Magonia

December 17, 1977, Council Bluffs, A luminous object accompanied by a flash was associated with a mass of nearly 50 pounds of molten material. https://www.dailygrail.com/2022/02/...ed-ufo-case-with-modern-scientific-equipment/

On October 4, 1981, Shenandoah's nighttime observation of a UFO was accompanied by a fall of white fibrous material. https://www.theblackvault.com/casef...d-falling-sky-shenandoah-iowa-october-4-1981/

James McDonald, a highly regarded Atmospheric Physicist has a Ph.D. (1945) from Iowa State in Physics. McDonald believed UFOs were of great importance, especially after his observation of the phenomena. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_E._McDonald

Donald Menzel was a famous UFO debunker and taught at the University of Iowa for a short time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Howard_Menzel

Philip Klass was another major UFO debunker and was born in Des Moines and grew up in Cedar Rapids. Klass received a degree in Engineering from Iowa State. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_J._Klass

Donald Keyhoe was from Ottumwa, joined the military, and was a proponent of a Government deep-dive into studying UFOs. Keyhoe was an author and investigator. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Keyhoe

Brad Steiger was born in Fort Dodge. Studied at Luther College and wrote many UFO-related books. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brad_Steiger
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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
If you felt convinced that the Government release of videos of unidentified crafts was a confirmation that the phenomenon is real and moreover the Government is actively investigating it...

...hold your horses. As in the past whenever a strong case for the reality of the phenomenon is attained out comes the the party-crashers.

It is good to hold a very tough stand and force the case to be made for whatever we are dealing with in UFOs. But often the attacks on the reality is lacking as much as the case for UFOs.

In that regard, the following video works the case that Luis Elizondo is not who he says he is and much more. As a reader of historic narratives surrounding the UFO phenomenon this video falls right in with what happened before to a tee. This is best illustrated in a book called The Presidents and UFOs by Larry Holcombe. https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/21853652-the-presidents-and-ufos

And the takeout breakdown:

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Feb 28, 2006
I really wanted to like Skinwalker Ranch and continue to watch each episode, but continue to be severely disappointed. I hoped it would apply a lot of science to trying to find root causes, practical answers for oddities, etc - but instead they just waste each episode with a contrived set of technical difficulties without any hypothesis of what is happening. They introduce tons of variables and never try to keep it SIMPLE or even debug their own introduced oddities.


Feb 28, 2006
I remember when the history channel and discovery channel actually had educational programming. Now it's just reality TV crap and shows about ghosts and aliens.

I grew up with a TV in my bedroom and I watched History, TLC, and DIY basically 24/7 starting in the mid-90s (I was born in '82 for reference). I watched every episode of How It's Made, Modern Marvels, etc and am proud to say I still watch them today - both reruns and new episodes. I couldn't agree more with you that they've dumbed down way too much and it's beyond sad that TLC (actually used to be The Learning Channel) is now full of reality dating shows.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
I really wanted to like Skinwalker Ranch and continue to watch each episode, but continue to be severely disappointed. I hoped it would apply a lot of science to trying to find root causes, practical answers for oddities, etc - but instead they just waste each episode with a contrived set of technical difficulties without any hypothesis of what is happening. They introduce tons of variables and never try to keep it SIMPLE or even debug their own introduced oddities.
Somethings lack bugs.

What makes me suspect the authenticity of the narrative of the show is why everything has issues, breakdowns, and malfunctions EXCEPT the video cameras and audio. That is tough to swallow.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
Hawkeye Fan captures UFO on video:

Watch the video and make your own conclusion(s).

I watched it on several screens magnified and give my observations:

1. It is close to the camera at all times (within 8 feet) and apparent brightness fluctuations are mostly due to changes in the attitude of the body.

2. It appears self-luminous as the IR camera is picking up heat rather than visible (to our eyes) light.

3. Bugs in the video are slightly fuzzier, and dimmer, making them appear as flying orbs with wing action.

Conclusion: Subject appears to be a large spider. The best candidate is a Barn Spider, which is large and ghostly white, and whose active life may make it slightly warmer than the ambient temperature. Also if you watch closely leg action appears as blurry swimming motions. The first drop-in at 1:06 looks to show it's making its first anchor line and wriggling as if attaching connecting lines as it subsequently moves about.
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