Nostalgia for the 90's and 00's


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SuperFanatic T2
Mar 27, 2006
Driftless Region
Visit site
Probably around 95 or so a couple of my buddies and me would always go to the library during study hall to use the computers.

My buddy is downloading an inappropriate pic and it freezes up on him just as the librarian is coming around to check on us. She totally bought his story that he clicked on something and some random picture of a naked woman just appeared.
I remember being able to tell adults that you stumbled upon internet porn accidentally and they'd believe it, because no one really understood how the internet actually worked yet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2010
LA LA Land
What was the arcade machine where you sat in and drove a road race across the United States? If you picked the route that went I-80 across Iowa it was pretty boring to drive, but they totally nailed the look of our overpasses.

Cruisin USA around 96. (Also kind of Outrun mid 80s but it wasn’t so specific and detailed)

In 94 Daytona USA came out and was probably the biggest graphical leap forward in video game history. I never lived in a big enough city but they had a deal where ten of the linked up sit down machines could be linked together. Insane! The game still doesn’t look that dated 30 years later.

The game music was ridiculous too with the guy singing daaaaaaaaaytooooonaaaaa.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2009
Halo LAN parties
Wasn't a party, but we used to play O.G. DOOM and Descent after work with a few guys on the company LAN.

Nothing like hearing a guy freak out a couple of offices over, after you popped off a Mega Missle at him from a hidden spot in a large room, then watch his ship frantically and hopelessly run for cover.


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SuperFanatic T2
Dec 4, 2020
Savannah, GA
What PC games did you play?

My wife played SimCity and Lemmings a bunch.

I had an AstroRock CD I played until Windows advanced to a point where it wouldn't run on PC any more.
I was big into Age of Empires, Roller Coaster Tycoon (which actually has a phenomenal mobile remake), and that was about it for PC games.

I was mostly talking about GoldenEye and Super Smash Bros on the 64, Halo on the OG Xbox, or any sports game we could get our hands on. Those are what I miss playing in person.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2013
Lakewood, CO
It's offseason, it's Friday, we need another hot topic.

What are you most nostalgic for from the 90's and 00's?

I was born in '82 so those were my formative years. I remember wearing Adidas track/windbreaker jackets and pants nearly every day in middle school. At least I think that's what they were called - the ones that were kind of crunchy, very thin, almost plastic like. Don't think I've seen a single one in the past 20 years.
We called em wind pants! haha (Born in '86). I don't miss them though because they were far too easy to tear holes in the knees. I do miss rocking the old school Starter Jackets with the center pocket on the front. Also ZERO cell phones and my overall lack of responsibility in those days.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 14, 2006
Denver, CO
Born in 85 and I honestly miss just about everything about the 90’s. I’m assuming every generation has rose colored glasses about when they grew up, but I can’t think of a better time to have been a kid.

I was a latch-key kid and am so thankful to have been one. Both my parents worked and gave us a lot of leeway to make our own decisions. As long as we were home by the agreed times and checked in if our plans changed we could do what we wanted. Now I see that helicopter parenting has become the norm. Kids are overly scheduled, overly parented and overly glued to screens.

I couldn’t ask for more than being a kid when video games were entering the golden age, the internet wasn’t commercialized yet, and we could play outside all day if we wanted.

Up until 9/11 (junior year of high school for me) I also believed things were improving in the world. I don’t see how kids right now can think anything but the world is getting much worse. I feel sad for them not getting to be ignorant to the world’s problems like I was.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2013
Lakewood, CO
Arcades. Going to Lazer X (previously Aladdins Castle) at Merle Hay or Loco Joe's was freaking amazing. It's fun to go to a retro arcade like up/down now, but it's not the same. Seeing people lined up to challenge each other at Street Fighter II or Mortal Kombat in an arcade was peak 90s.
My older brother subscribed to what... Game Informer? I think it was. Back in those days they'd have the cheat codes for the finishing moves. There'd be a line of people just watching him play so they could see all the tricks. The arcade was a blast in the 90s.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
We called em wind pants! haha (Born in '86). I don't miss them though because they were far too easy to tear holes in the knees. I do miss rocking the old school Starter Jackets with the center pocket on the front. Also ZERO cell phones and my overall lack of responsibility in those days.

Full Lotto/Diadora/Adidas warm up suit was must have for the soccer clique in like ‘93

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Jan 4, 2024
Born in 88, the 90's was a great decade for toys. Star Wars and Batman action figures, Hot Wheels cars and tracks, Lego and K'NEX sets...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2013
Lakewood, CO
Born in 85 and I honestly miss just about everything about the 90’s. I’m assuming every generation has rose colored glasses about when they grew up, but I can’t think of a better time to have been a kid.

I was a latch-key kid and am so thankful to have been one. Both my parents worked and gave us a lot of leeway to make our own decisions. As long as we were home by the agreed times and checked in if our plans changed we could do what we wanted. Now I see that helicopter parenting has become the norm. Kids are overly scheduled, overly parented and overly glued to screens.

I couldn’t ask for more than being a kid when video games were entering the golden age, the internet wasn’t commercialized yet, and we could play outside all day if we wanted.

Up until 9/11 (junior year of high school for me) I also believed things were improving in the world. I don’t see how kids right now can think anything but the world is getting much worse. I feel sad for them not getting to be ignorant to the world’s problems like I was.
Agreed with all of the above.

Stay out of trouble and be home for dinner. The rest of the day is on you. Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2008
Cruisin USA around 96. (Also kind of Outrun mid 80s but it wasn’t so specific and detailed)

In 94 Daytona USA came out and was probably the biggest graphical leap forward in video game history. I never lived in a big enough city but they had a deal where ten of the linked up sit down machines could be linked together. Insane! The game still doesn’t look that dated 30 years later.

The game music was ridiculous too with the guy singing daaaaaaaaaytooooonaaaaa.
One of my first all nighter with my friends were playing cruisin usa.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2014
I wasted a whole lot of time on Sim City 2000.

Jesus, I'm not sure how I forgot about that one. Countless hours invested.

That and Command and Conquer: Red Alert



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
It is kind of silly, but I do miss malls. It was kind of nice just to wander around and see all sorts of things for sale. A lot of them had wild color schemes and other crazy ****. I also miss going out to rent a movie. You would run into friends there and see what they were watching. Grab some pizza and other snacks and you had a good night. No other distractions than the people you were with.