Dumbest thing you dealt with today?


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2018
Just today:
This morning my almost 7 year old had an absolute meltdown over how mom did her hair today for school pictures. It was basically just a ponytail and she thought it looked "too bumpy".

4yo boy tried to feed the cat jelly beans this morning.

4yo girl was super sweet this morning, nothing to report.

At school: Have you ever seen young people who walk like penguins and wonder wtf is going on? It's because they don't want to crease their shoes. Some even have plastic inserts they put in so the shoes physically cannot bend.

Most popular hangout spot for the fellas? In the boys restroom on the floor. Just chilling on a sticky piss floor is their jam right now.

"I know passing this test is required for me to pass this class, but could I just take a zero on it and the D I get in the class?"

"Can I take this call? It's my mom" You idiots who text/call your kids during the day...you're part of the problem.
Your school needs to check into the Yonder Pouches, cut down the phone usage down to zero. The kids have to put them in the pouch at the beginning of the day, they magnetically seal and then the kids unlock them when they leave. If a kid skips out, their phone is still in the pouch so they cannot use it. Best thing we ever did regarding phones.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2006
The timing of this thread is perfect since my boss sent me an email asking me to complete another inane training. I made a terrible joke about doing exactly what the training was supposed to prevent us from doing like it was a how to training and his stoic response was, "That is why we have the training." Not sure if dry humor or a total lack of humor but that is nothing new for him.

I'm sure I will have more to post after completing another stupid training course in a few minutes.
My company makes us complete all required training 30 days before the dead line. It will be 45 days out and managers will start sending us emails about not having it done yet.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Brooklyn Park, MN
My company makes us complete all required training 30 days before the dead line. It will be 45 days out and managers will start sending us emails about not having it done yet.
This one wasn't as bad as some of the stuff they come up with. Probably because it was a DHS production so it was pretty straight forward. Didn't try to be cutesy and wasn't as dry as a lot of the stuff our legal team comes up with.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
Your school needs to check into the Yonder Pouches, cut down the phone usage down to zero. The kids have to put them in the pouch at the beginning of the day, they magnetically seal and then the kids unlock them when they leave. If a kid skips out, their phone is still in the pouch so they cannot use it. Best thing we ever did regarding phones.

So do smart watches work through the pouch? We’re part of the problem because our kids’ athletic coaches send messages during the day as to where and when practice is due for weather. So we send messages to them to make sure they get on the right bus. So we gave them smart watches to keep from having to check their phone.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Brooklyn Park, MN
Had three people in the last 48 hours come into the ED with a random object stuck up their butt.

PSA: if you’re going to stick something up your butt please make sure the object has a wider base so you don’t have a very embarrassing visit and one large bill.
Just rejoining this thread and I found it funny that this post was directly proceeded by the "why do you have an 18" dildo handy?" post.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2020
Your school needs to check into the Yonder Pouches, cut down the phone usage down to zero. The kids have to put them in the pouch at the beginning of the day, they magnetically seal and then the kids unlock them when they leave. If a kid skips out, their phone is still in the pouch so they cannot use it. Best thing we ever did regarding phones.
Great idea, but Yonder pouches cost money and we aint got no extra money for Yonder pouches in Iowa. Plus we've got an open campus.


Me: Mea culpa. Also me: Sine cura sis.
Staff member
SuperFanatic T2
May 7, 2008
Stop trying to judge others because of your poor circulation.

As long as it wasn’t cold enough that my kids would get frostbite, I let them figure it out. Learning from being cold is a lot better than me telling me to put a coat on.
No judging - where did you get that from? I was sharing an observation.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Brooklyn Park, MN
Daycare/school had THREE tornado drills today.

When we picked the boy up the teacher said he was so scared that he was shaking.

All night I've been talking to him about tornadoes, severe weather, and going to the basement.

It's been a night. So maybe 3 goddam tornado drills is the damn dumbest thing I've wrestled with
I watched Twister last night.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
Brooklyn Park, MN
I'm going to side with the kids on this one. I've never understood dressing for the 5 minutes it takes to walk from the car to wherever you are going vs. dressing for the activity you are going to. I get not wanting to be cold, but I would much rather freeze my ass off for 5 min, then sweat my ass off for two hours, or have to carry my coat or my ******* wife/kids coats around for 2 hours.
I remind the kids that accidents and car mechanical failures happen. They should be prepared for that.

I used to shake my head at the high schoolers who would come to the bus stop in t-shirt and shorts when it was 0 degrees out and might throw on a sweatshirt when it hit -20. But then I learned that they stopped providing lockers at the middle school and high school so anything they wore they had to lug around all day. So now we have to cancel school just for cold since they don't dress for the weather.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2009
I remind the kids that accidents and car mechanical failures happen. They should be prepared for that.

I used to shake my head at the high schoolers who would come to the bus stop in t-shirt and shorts when it was 0 degrees out and might throw on a sweatshirt when it hit -20. But then I learned that they stopped providing lockers at the middle school and high school so anything they wore they had to lug around all day. So now we have to cancel school just for cold since they don't dress for the weather.

Ours both fight putting on warm clothes too and especially when the older one did this we're at least taking it in the car or whatever because **** happens.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2018
So do smart watches work through the pouch? We’re part of the problem because our kids’ athletic coaches send messages during the day as to where and when practice is due for weather. So we send messages to them to make sure they get on the right bus. So we gave them smart watches to keep from having to check their phone.
Smart watches were just becoming common last year, since I retired, I do not know if they came up with a way to deal with them. The kids will always try to come up with a way to keep doing what they were doing. Why could the coach just not call the school and have them make an announcement of where practice would be held?

Technology is always going to be a problem in schools, you are never going to eliminate it, but with the pouches we did get rid of phones going off in the middle of the class. I suppose if smart phones become a problem, you would tell the kids to put it in their bag, and then the message would be there for them to read after class.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2018
Great idea, but Yonder pouches cost money and we aint got no extra money for Yonder pouches in Iowa. Plus we've got an open campus.
We used Covid funds to purchase the ones we purchased. With an open campus do you allow the kids to come and go as they please? Our kids could sign out and leave, I would think that schools that allow kids to leave anytime they want without signing out would be opening up themselves to a lawsuit if a kid left and his parents that they were at school. Afterall we are responsible for them, and with that responsibility comes the threat of lawsuits if we just let them walk out the door when they chose. We had open campus for kids that wanted to leave for lunch, not vehicles could leave the parking lot, so if kids wanted to run up town they had to walk.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2007
Pretty sure that comment was in regards to the dumb people in your story and not directed at you. Do you take everything personally?
Only before my coffee..mucho apology. Take note not to post til after I wake up. Just read it wrong I guess. I'm in construction and the male attitude in the morning at work generally has me having to prep my day to be an ******* immediately. Again, sorry if I offended anyone.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2007
Had three people in the last 48 hours come into the ED with a random object stuck up their butt.

PSA: if you’re going to stick something up your butt please make sure the object has a wider base so you don’t have a very embarrassing visit and one large bill.
My ex brother in law was a doctor in San Fran. Had a guy come in with abdominal issues. He said they threw a scope in and after looking a minute he had blue eyes looking at him. The dude has shoved a Barbie doll up his ass and the head popped off. He was looking at. A decapitated Barbie.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2011
Dumbest thing today...lessee, lessee...oh yeah, another geezer from my generation went on a rant about not knowing what Spotify was or how to access it.



Well Seen Member.
SuperFanatic T2
Sep 4, 2011
Not exactly sure.
Had three people in the last 48 hours come into the ED with a random object stuck up their butt.

PSA: if you’re going to stick something up your butt please make sure the object has a wider base so you don’t have a very embarrassing visit and one large bill.
Had an ambulance call where they called two rigs. We were the first to show (both transports) so we got to pick which one we would take. We let the other rig take the side with a brat shoved up his rear. My concern was whether it was cooked or raw, did not want him getting salmonella from undercooked meat.

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