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  • Thanks for the comment. I just got rid of it last week. It was hard to do, but I NEED something that I can drive all year. I hated getting the Goat out unless it was sunny out. That just didn't fly with it being my daily driver. I would really look into the G8 GXP's. +400 hp and they come in a manual.
    Ha! Angie and I have done the same. I don't know if you use or even know about, but Angie and I are both on it. If you don't know it, it's an online radio station that tracks what you listen to. Figured you might be interested in seeing the rest of my obscure musical taste: Barilko's Music Profile
    Totally random, but Angie also knows Spacehog. She rubbed it in my face one time that she went to a show and met a couple of the guys.

    Anyway, good choice of music! One of those great 90's songs that get forgotten.
    It's a quote from Kevin on the office. I would like to take credit for it, but I can't.
    LOL!! I hear you. I just get tired of people bashing Baylor when they know nothing about us. I know a lot about ISU
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