DC Extended Universe


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
I rewatched all Batman movies and came to conclusion that the original 1989 movie is not good (although I don’t agree with all of his critiques I have my own). The music is incredible and some casting is good but it’s just a really bad action movie compared to say the best 50 80s action movies that came before it.

When I was a kid I remember thinking Batman Returns was worse and a disappointment but now I see it as the best of those original four Batman movies by a mile. Not only is it better as a Batman movie, it also feels like an actual good Tim Burton movie. Michelle Pfifer (sp?) might have greatest actress performance in any comic book movie as an over the top cool sexy villain and alter ego.

Before rewatching them my kid/teen memory would have ranked them:
9, 5, 7, 3

After watching again as an adult I’d go:
5, 8, 4, 3

I’ve been watching or rewatching all the DC stuff slowly. I hated and still hate Superman Returns so bad that I never even watched Man of Steel. That’s been the biggest surprise, it’s very easily a top ten comic book movie and I’m generally not a Superman fan. The Snyder cut of justice league is a nerd’s dream and that movie in general is the biggest victim of marvel fanoboyism. Green Lantern really is absolute total crap though haha.

Man of Steel is amazing. Still to this day don't like Batman vs Superman, but absolutely love Man of Steel and have it in my top 10 as well. Travesty you waited until now to see it. Love ZSJL as well.

As for 1989 Batman, everyone has their opinion and that is cool. It still is one of my all-time favorite Batman movies.

As for James Gunn dogging on the score for 1989 Batman....... wat???????


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2010
LA LA Land
Man of Steel is amazing. Still to this day don't like Batman vs Superman, but absolutely love Man of Steel and have it in my top 10 as well. Travesty you waited until now to see it. Love ZSJL as well.

As for 1989 Batman, everyone has their opinion and that is cool. It still is one of my all-time favorite Batman movies.

As for James Gunn dogging on the score for 1989 Batman....... wat???????

Yeah, if anything on my 89 Batman rewatch I kept thinking...wow this music is even MORE iconic than I remember. The Prince music sprinkled in is pretty cool too. It was the action scenes that really shocked me how poorly they have aged...and I've been watching a lot of amazing 80s action movies in the past year like Predator, Running Man, Aliens, Road Warrior, RotJ, etc...

I will say BvS was one of the few of the newer DC movies I liked less on rewatch, the coolest part is the wonderwoman music haha. Aquaman I actually liked much better rewatching it a few years later.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA
Yeah, if anything on my 89 Batman rewatch I kept thinking...wow this music is even MORE iconic than I remember. The Prince music sprinkled in is pretty cool too. It was the action scenes that really shocked me how poorly they have aged...and I've been watching a lot of amazing 80s action movies in the past year like Predator, Running Man, Aliens, Road Warrior, RotJ, etc...

I will say BvS was one of the few of the newer DC movies I liked less on rewatch, the coolest part is the wonderwoman music haha. Aquaman I actually liked much better rewatching it a few years later.

Him saying the Batman 1989 score was terrible is the equivalent to me of someone saying the Jurassic Park score was terrible. Like, you serious Clark?

Carlisle Clone

Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Jan 2, 2019
This really makes you marvel at how well the Marvel universe was weaved and put together almost flawlessly through End Game. A well designed puzzle.


With any luck we will be there by Tuesday.
SuperFanatic T2
Jul 6, 2010
Cedar Rapids, IA
This really makes you marvel at how well the Marvel universe was weaved and put together almost flawlessly through End Game. A well designed puzzle.

Except for shoehorning Captain Marvel in between their two biggest movies and calling it "required viewing." LOL


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA

There has been lots of here say around the internet for a long time about all the drama behind the scenes of Aquaman 2, much of which surrounds Amber Heard. However, due to the release of some court documents and this article from Variety, that turmoil seems much more fact that rumor anymore. Variety tends to be one of the most solid sources out there. As much as I loved many things about the old DCEU and its cast of characters, its hard to look at it as anything right now except a wounded deer in the road just waiting to be shot. In the meantime, its just kind of painful to watch or listen to.

On the flip side, James Gunn has quite the task ahead of him of reviving DC, and I'm not sure I'm fully on board with this quasi reboot of the universe he is attempting. I wish he just did a full hard-on reboot. Regardless, there is a lot riding on his upcoming Superman film. That movie really needs to be good or I fear his new DCU is at risk of collapsing before it even gets going. I personally think it will show a pretty lackluster box office regardless, but only if it is really good do I see the general audiences slowly getting back on the DC train. I guess we will see.
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Well-Known Member
SuperFanatic T2
Apr 22, 2015

There has been lots of here say around the internet for a long time about all the drama behind the scenes of Aquaman 2, much of which surrounds Amber Heard. However, due to the release of some court documents and this article from Variety, that turmoil seems much more fact that rumor anymore. Variety tends to be one of the most solid sources out there. As much as I loved many things about the old DCEU and its cast of characters, its hard to look at it as anything right now except a wounded deer in the road just waiting to be shot. In the meantime, its just kind of painful to watch or listen to.

On the flip side, James Gunn has quite the task ahead of him of reviving DC, and I'm not sure I'm fully on board with this quasi reboot of the universe he is attempting. I wish he just did a full hard-on reboot. Regardless, there is a lot riding on his upcoming Superman film. That movie really needs to be good or I fear his new DCU is at risk of collapsing before it even gets going. I personally think it will show a pretty lackluster box office regardless, but only if it is really good do I see the general audiences slowly getting back on the DC train. I guess we will see.
I think there is lots of superhero fatigue and the DCU has been so all over the place in it's quality and continuity and now you add this quasi James Gunn reset and I'm kind of wondering if they should just stop all DCU movies for a few years and just do a fresh start. They won't because money but I think it would be best for the product. I have zero excitement around the DCU and I'm a big fan of James Gunn's superhero stuff


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
Des Moines
I’ve never seen any of the DCEU films except for Gunn’s Suicide Squad, but for some reason I made Aquaman my first.

What I liked:
Actually using Aquaman’s trademark power set near the end by summoning the whales to sonar the **** out of Black Mantis’ crew

The octopus friend was adorable, and not overused. He was good comic relief.

The actual premise actually wasn’t bad. Some ancient evil is frozen in ice in Antarctica. I’m not at all well-versed with DC lore but there was some huge potential with this thread that will never be addressed in the current continuity

What I didn’t like:
Quippy dialogue that seemed more at home in a Marvel movie, and even by Marvel standards it was pretty bad. Especially after the baby was kidnapped. That should have marked a tone shift for the movie, but yet on the way to rescue him they’re still finding time for gags and silly dialogue.

Real-world climate change was a terrible addition to the story and not handled well at all. Atlantis has known about human-caused climate change for DECADES and haven’t done ANYTHING to address it? It’s not like they could even play dumb about it, they acknowledged in-movie that this had happened before in the form of climate change that Atlantean society had mistakenly caused but reversed just in time.

You could tell there were significant changes to the story to largely omit Amber Heard’s character. It’s claimed that there were NOT significant reshoots to limit her screen time, but I just don’t see how that’s possible given the story beats leading up to Arthur Jr’s rescue.

Overall… not a TERRIBLE time but WOOF. Marvel gets a lot of flack for their recent output. I did not like Wakanda Forever, but watching this movie actually made me appreciate WF a bit more. The MCU isn’t perfect but it’s not a dumpster fire if Aquaman is any indication as to what the other DCEU movies are like.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Marion, IA


Staff member
Apr 10, 2006

Yikes. Quite the long expose of Dwayne Johnson that doesn't paint the best picture of what he has become. Who knows how much is exactly true, but likely has some level of truth to it.

“You’re booing because The Rock was a little late, that’s why you’re booing?” Johnson asked the crowd. “[The Rock] was watching YouTube, watching [Eagles quarterback] Jalen Hurts lose in the playoffs again.”

That was pretty great though. hahaahaa.

Who knows whats going on with him, could have some personal stuff we are unaware of. Id like to see how it plays out over the next couple of years. Hes been in everything for years now and maybe its taking its toll. Could be getting high on his fame too.
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