Womens Basketball Media Day


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2006
The main reason Aus is at 1 is that BF tried Ezell at 1/Aus at 2 for the first half of last season and it really didn't work well at all. The offense clicked better when Lacey was 1 and Ezell was 2. Lacey is much better when she is running the show.

That said, last season the 2g would run point on occasion to give the point a break without taking them off the court, and I'm sure that will happen this season as well. Williams and Stuckey are both capable of running point on occasion.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2008
"Aus at the 1, Williams at the 2," Maybe its wrong stereotyping, but, I think of the 2 as a "shooting guard" and the pg doesn't have as much opportunity to score. The point can score, and Aus will, but, Williams didn't show the scoring ability last year which I expect of a 2. Aus at point is probably to hold down turnovers. I liked the 80 point games of years gone by, I don't expect to see that this year.

I recall BF in the press conference sayin Williams has a good chance to score because our opponents are going to zone in on Aus and Bolte out of the back court which should give Williams some good looks at the basket she averaged 2.1ppg in about 11 mpg... all she need to to is hit a few more shots a game most likely a couple threes and she'll be close to about 8 ppg which should be just fine if Bolte and Aus give us 15 ppg or more

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