I don't really get why a lot of folks are thinking this isn't a big deal? Like in many sports, stealing signs is part of the game and I totally get that. If you can interpret it on the fly in game or pick up on it watching tape, sure go for it. And whether it's "wrong" or not, this seems pretty cut and dried as being explictly against NCAA rules. All you have to do is look to the NFL and spygate for how serious leagues would/should take videotaping of opposing team signals and that was just in game.
Also, it's clearly a coordinated effort that had to be funded/directed from up top in that program. Misconception it seems like that some have is that this guy was flying around to these games. They've said he was buying all the tickets and transferring to several different people who were then recording games. Not only are tickets to these types of games expensive, they're particularly expensive in the areas noted (mid-field just high enough up for a good sideline few). Plus flights, hotels, lodging, etc. for people across the country. Not going to buy into the "he's just a super fan trying to help" BS.
Harbaugh will just bounce to the NFL problem and never come back to the NCAA which is fine for him. I'd think NCAA comes down pretty signifcantly though from a sporting integrity standpoint, especially with Michigan already having recent NCAA issues.