This stuff is fine for Brands to say, but if Cael would say that going into a match with Iowa, Brands would walk over there and punch him for it.
The guy sure can dish it out, but he sure can't take it.
Have you ever met a squawk that can take it?
This stuff is fine for Brands to say, but if Cael would say that going into a match with Iowa, Brands would walk over there and punch him for it.
The guy sure can dish it out, but he sure can't take it.
Gotta disagree on that. I think Brands is a ridiculous caricature who doesn't know the difference between intensity and insanity. And the whole gang rape thing from when he was in high school doesn't exactly help.
At what point are you just going to admit to yourself that you're an Iowa Wrestling fan? This is a safe place.
Gotta disagree on that. I think Brands is a ridiculous caricature who doesn't know the difference between intensity and insanity. And the whole gang rape thing from when he was in high school doesn't exactly help.
This stuff is fine for Brands to say, but if Cael would say that going into a match with Iowa, Brands would walk over there and punch him for it.
The guy sure can dish it out, but he sure can't take it.
If you're going to call someone a rapist you better have proof. You seem like a good guy, Judo. That's pretty low. Hate the guy all you want but give me a break.
Sports Illustrated said:On Super Bowl Sunday in his senior year at Sheldon (Iowa) Community High, Tom says, he and three buddies were involved in what was termed sexual misconduct with a 16-year-old. "Some people thought it was rape, but it wasn't," insists Tom, who until now has never spoken publicly about the incident. "The girl was willing."
Willing or not, she did not return to school for several days after the incident. At the end of the week Tom was summoned by the principal, David Kapfer, and the athletic director, Jim DeJong, and told he would be banned for the rest of the wrestling season, including the state tournament. "For what?" Tom says he screamed. "I didn't get caught smoking cigarettes or drinking or doing dope! You can't make me ineligible. My life is wrestling!"
Though Tom was never charged with a crime - and the alleged victim was also suspended from extracurricular activities - the school board voted to uphold the decision. "It was a joke!" Tom says, still indignant. "A kangaroo joke!" When Tom's parents took the board to court, a federal district judge refused to lift the ban. Tom missed the state finals. "The whole thing was a mistake, a stupid, infantile mistake," says Tom. "I've made a lot of mistakes over the years, but overall I've led a pretty clean life. I'm married now." There's a coil of anger beneath the apology.