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  • Here is video of a the true offensive leader of this team. ****** about the decision, but diplomatic in his answer. He knew his team got screwed by Herman! Also, please note that he said, "I had the right mindset", not "I wasn't ready to play."

    Jared Barnett postgame - YouTube
    Here's a video of your guy talking about his "great preparation" for that bowl game. I recall him saying he was totally ready to play. Oh hell no! He actually started the interview by saying he wasn't ready to play. Great preparation! That's BS. That was Herman trying to get his boy on the field one more time to spite CPR. Too bad CPR didn't see it.

    Steele Jantz postgame - YouTube
    Yea cool man. I been to the last 4 home games. Bought some season tickets second half season including ravens game. Seats were 25 rows up. next to the tunnel seats 123
    So where do we go with pick 5. I had a post earlier in the thread that pretty much echoed what you been saying. I'm all for bringing in Flozell Adams for a few years as a FA.
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