Happy New Year Cyclone Fanatics!
2010 is finally here and I am extremely confident that the Cyclone Nation is in for a great ride, in more ways that one. Of course it all starts in the field/court/whatever with Iowa State’s outstanding student-athletes.
I also feel like the best is yet to come for our team here at CycloneFanatic.com. When Jason Loutsch, Matt Lazear, and Brian Lazear decided to bring me on full-time back in October, the CF crew made a commitment to make this the best Iowa State website on the Internet today. I really feel like with the combination our hard work and more importantly the large number of Fanatics who log on every single day; we’ve accomplished that goal.
So what’s next? Well, I learned in elementary school to set goals high. Sometimes, you’re even supposed to set them higher than they are possible to achieve. That’s how I’ve always tried to live my life at least. What’s the worst that can happen? You fail? Big deal. If that happens, you pick yourself up and try harder the next time.
So here’s my somewhat lofty goal for CycloneFanatic.com in 2010. At this point in time, we have just over 9,000 registered users. By this date next year, I want there to be 15,000 registered Fanatics out there in cyberspace.
In order for us to meet these goals together, I have three favors to ask of all Fanatics who are on board with my ambitions.
The first has to do with advertising. If you have a business that is looking for a different way to get your product “out there,” please contact me anytime at [email protected]. I can promise that we’ll do everything possible to help you succeed. Plus, in the end, it is two Cyclone businesses helping each other out. There aren’t many negatives that come out of that scenario.
The second favor I have is for you, the Fanatics, is to spread the word. If you know of somebody who logs onto CF only to read what’s going on, encourage him or her to register with us and create a username/password. You/this person don’t even have to post regularly. I get the fact that not all fans are vocal like that. We’re fine with that. We just want registered users on CycloneFantic.com. The more the merrier. That’s my theory.
If you know of a Cyclone fan who is as passionate about things as you are, let them know about how much fun you have logging on each and every day. Tell a co-worker. Let the guys across the hall in your dorm know. We’d appreciate it.
The third and most important favor that I have for you today is to contact me with any insight you have to make this site better, at any point in time. My e-mail is listed above. If you have ANY ideas at all, I want to know about them. I can’t guarantee that every one of them will be implemented. But it will get considered because the opinion of you Fanatics is what really matters.
CycloneFanatic.com might be the coolest place on the Internet to talk/read about Iowa State athletics. But for us, this is much more than a business. It is a passion.
Have a very happy New Year Fanatics. I look forward to meeting more and more of you out at games and anywhere else life takes us.
Go Cyclones!
Chris Williams