No, there's not a strong following for the WNBA because it's not a watchable product. A lot of people are slowly figuring out that Clark, Reese, Brink etc aren't fixing that.
There literally might be millions of people that were deeply, truly, and passionately duped into believing CC is by far the best women's basketball player in the world
right now, and maybe ever.
IF it turns out that she's just a really good player, and spends her career between top 10 - 20 player in the game (IF she ever gets there - she is clearly
not right now) - let's say the female James Harden - this would be a
catastrophic fall from the pedestal that millions have be duped into believing she is on. I think people are really losing sight of this - that the media and the engine behind all of this has not simply labeled her the "female Steph Curry" - no, she's been pumped up as the single BEST now and
ever. Ever! The majority of these folks couldn't tell you anything about the current WNBA, nor anything about its current stars, their history, their glory, their accomplishments, how those accomplishments 'stack up' against CC's (some far superior) - nor do they
care. They believe they are tuning in to watch
the best to ever play. That is what they have been told. On repeat. It's actually kind of sick/scary when it is framed up this way.
Edit. To counter my own post - Philosophically, one could ask - does it matter? So what if people think she’s the GOAT right now, because just the mere presence of a media-made potential GOAT brings eyeballs to the
entire sport, right? And
grows it? Or are the eyeballs solely focused on a couple players and if they fizzle at all, so do the eyeballs…