I wonder if Ferentz leaves Iowa for the Steelers job, would Iowa consider Dan McCarney? And would Mac consider Iowa? Interesting thought....
Saw on TV just this morning that Ferentz is the 3rd or 4th highest paid U. coach in the country. I would say he stays where he is.
Contract wise, Ferentzi is the 3rd or 4th highest paid coach. He just received an advance when he signed his new contract that payed him a bonus which could explain that for the past year he made for than any coach.Really? who reported it? I saw on KNWA around a month ago when they were hyping Nutt that Ferentz was the highest paid in the nation at over 4 mil. ...media, whom to trust.
That's a pretty ignorant thing to say.There's a reason Mac's phone isn't ringing off the hook with offers. He's not ever getting offered a head coaching position at a major division I conference school again.
That's a pretty ignorant thing to say.
Mac probably won't be getting a D-I HC position as his next job unless it's at a mid-major, but he still has some pretty attractive qualities about him. If he can go to another school as a coach or coordinator and do some good things there, he'll be a good HC prospect for a BCS school down the road.