Nothing to see here…. Not one Iowa media person has the guts to question this.
Well maybe if Fran was not an incompetent a$$hat some donor would support their MBB program. Giving money to a man who obviously can't recognize, recruit, nor coach a decent point guard is a very bad investment IMO.I’d rather they think that Iowa State has an omipotent all powerful money machine than the opposite. That attitude, when they are constantly looking back over their shoulder, causes what happened to the Swarm and Proctor.
Class on the left. On the right,well,I uh….
You mean she didn't solve and eliminate mistreatment for the national level? I thought that was a thing Iowa coaches were known for, solving national problems within their programs.After 20 yrs, allegations of mistreatment within her program.
This happened under Barta's watch? No way!!After 20 yrs, allegations of mistreatment within her program.
Probably has yellow dye #10 on it and now has infected your nether region.I have Fu
I have Fuc*eye toilet paper. Not much more satisfying after the duty than wiping ones sh*t off with it.
So accusations are made, an investigation is launched, and the coach gets $330K because she was terminated without cause.
Only at Iowa....
1:59, then the next one
Not everyone finds the charm in a place that smells like urine while being surrounded by the homeless and thousands of Chad's from the Chicago suburbs