Unfortunate situation and sorry to hear you're dealing with it,
@Cyclonepride . Not much you can do except wait for them to make it right, I suppose.
What's interesting to me about this thread though reading the comments, is the willingness to use an ATM or not for a cash deposit like this seems to relate to the age of the poster. I'd bet it's like a lot of things that vary by generation. The older generation (sorry, making some assumptions about Pride and Cycsk who I've seen post on here and believe to be in their late 40s or 50s and older, more likely) trusts the teller and is willing to go inside. The older doesn't mind human interaction and is probably more comfortable with it. The younger (Pride's son) has grown up with convenience and technology, is used to it probably, and would rather "avoid human interaction" and probably has built up less of those social skills since they've always used the ATM instead of the teller, or buys their groceries online to avoid interaction, or insert other change here of the many our society has seen.
That's a real problem if you ask me for our long-term society and the social impact the younger generation's approach to business and life creates. We're raising more and more young people who avoid human interaction, probably have less social skills and the ability to talk things out. In brief, they'd rather live in a more digital and electronic world that isn't real. This may just be my "old man inside" speaking, but I worry about the effects of phones, buying off the app and all this stuff. It's fundamentally changing and has changed our society, and what the younger generation grows up seeing as normal, will become normal in many years from now as older generations die out and are replaced.
I also realize I'm very much Old Man Simpson yelling at clouds, here... Haha....