I’ve been there for the last few, but I’m gonna have to miss this one.
I like to sit in the general admission section near the tunnel to the locker room. Very fun to watch the wrestlers interact with the fans.
My second favorite line in the article:
Cyclone reserves Nate Heise and Brandton Chatfield contributed their best offensive performances in several games, combining for 17 points and eight rebounds to help their team win its second game in a row.
That was a heck of a paragraph by Rob.
My favorite line in the article:
ISU made 15 of its 17 free-throw attempts in the second half — and drained 10 in a row as the Knights tried to rally behind full-court pressure and fouls to extend the game.
I didn't get it when it first came out, but it was probably 1979 when I got the album. One of the first albums I ever got . . . through the Columbia Records album deal. Still have it.
I’m attending a conference in Europe in March, and they told us about needing a “visitor in transit visa” if we were transferring in London. You might want to look into that.